Alliance Party Conference 2024


  • With the Alliance Party Conference set to take place this weekend, all eyes will be on the ever increasingly influential party, watching for any significant policy announcements.

  • Expect an emboldened Alliance Party still riding the waves of success from the 2022 Assembly election where they more than doubled their MLA intake, and more recently clinched two Ministerial roles for the first time in the party’s history.

  • However, with this increased influence and responsibility comes increased scrutiny.

Justice on the Conference Agenda

  • Party leader Naomi Long MLA has once again taken on the mantle of Justice Minister, so it is safe to say there is a high chance that justice issues will receive significant attention during her speech at the conference.

  • There is certainly not a lack of these issues to be discussed – reform of the justice system, policing and its funding and recruitment, and the controversial Troubles Legacy Act are among the many issues waiting to be dealt with by the Justice Minister.

Agriculture and Change on the Conference Agenda

  • This party conference will also be like no other for the Alliance Party – with Michael Martin giving the keynote address at the conference dinner tonight, this indicates that the party is attempting to widen its tent.

  • Similarly, the traditionally urban party will now be the host to Northern Ireland’s concerned farmers with Andrew Muir MLA having taken on the role of Agriculture Minister. The appointment of the North Down MLA as Agriculture Minister will have left some in the farming community questioning as to whether he knows his Charolais from his Angus.

  • With the Alliance party now the first port of call for rural affairs, it will be held to account by farmers and their relative lobbying groups - beginning with the conference this weekend where a fringe event on the future of food and farming in NI will feature.

  • However, Minister Muir has a significant in-tray of issues to deal with – as he is also responsible for the environment, dealing with the Lough Neagh crisis and enacting a new environment strategy will be a top priority.

  • The new Minister will need to conduct a balancing act, appeasing farmers on one hand and environmentalists on the other.

The Party

  • There are key players within the party who have been selected to run as candidates in the upcoming Westminster election.

  • Expect these rising stars within the party, such as Kate Nicholl MLA who will be taking on the SDLP’s majority in the Belfast South and Mid Down constituency, to be a prominent figure at this weekend’s conference.

  • The party has consistently called for the reform of Northern Ireland’s institutions, and some may argue that this is better done from opposing benches.

  • However, the Alliance Party being in government with two Ministerial posts provides a powerful platform to enact the change they desire.

What else can we expect?

  • There are also a number of other pressing issues facing Northern Ireland that the party are seeking to address at this weekend’s conference, with a panel debate on childcare as the first order of business and an Early Years Strategy as the focus of one of their fringe events, demonstrating clear priorities for the party.

  • The conference this weekend will provide an opportunity for the Alliance Party to further galvanise their base as a renewed party in government as well as making clear their priorities for the rest of this government’s mandate.