Brown O'Connor Communications Weekly Look Ahead: Week Commencing 25 April 2022

Forward Look                                

  • The Queen’s Speech is expected to include a Bill permitting Ministers to unilaterally override parts of the Protocol including border checks on GB-NI trade.

  • Sinn Féin is expected to launch its election manifesto on Monday. The SDLP will launch theirs on Tuesday.

  • UUP leader Doug Beattie says parties should negotiate a Programme for Government prior to agreeing to join an Executive after May’s election.

  • The DUP has announced it will introduce a devolved windfall tax on energy firms in an incoming Executive.

  • The Green Party’s election manifesto sets out policies including the establishment of an independent Environmental Protection Agency. To view: LINK

  • The Brexit Freedoms Bill is expected to be introduced in May and will include significant reform of procurement and data protection regulations.

  • The Department for the Economy has launched a public appointment competition to appoint a Chairperson of Tourism NI. To view: LINK

  • The Commons Library has published a rundown of the Queen’s Speech 2022 ahead of the State Opening of Parliament on 10 May. To view: LINK

  • Parliament has passed a motion asking the Commons Privileges Committee to launch an inquiry into whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP broke the Ministerial Code.

  • Northern Ireland Questions will take place in the Commons on Wednesday.

  • Levelling Up Under-Secretary Neil O’Brien MP will brief the NI Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

  • The CBI will host an audience with local political leaders on Thursday at Queen’s University. To view: LINK

  • The Londonderry Chamber will host a pre-election event with Foyle candidates at Ulster University Magee on Friday.

Other Stories this week

  • Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP apologised to MPs after being sanctioned for breaking Covid-19 rules.

  • Tourism bodies have warned that new cross-border travel rules in the Government’s Borders Bill could cost the industry up to £160m.

  • People Before Profit launched their election manifesto in Derry. Among the policies set out is the introduction of a £15-per-hour minimum wage.

  • Unions representing Translink employees have deferred strike action planned for next week.

Upcoming key political and business events

  • 28 April, CBI’s An Audience with Northern Ireland’s Political Leaders, The Great Hall Queen’s University

  • 28 April, Belfast Chamber’s Spring Networking Reception, Whites Garden

  • 29 April, Londonderry Chamber Pre-Election Event, Ulster University, Derry

  • 3 May, Manufacturing Month 22 Launch Breakfast, KPMG, The Soloist, Belfast

  • 5 May, Northern Ireland Assembly Election

  • 10 May, State Opening of Parliament

  • 12 May, Anchor High Summit, Manufacturing NI, Galgorm Hotel and Spa

  • 26 May, Belfast Telegraph Business Awards, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belfast

  • 21 June, House of Commons rises for Summer Recess

  • 30 June, Irish News Workplace and Employment Awards, Titanic Belfast
