Brown O’Connor Communications Weekly Look Ahead: W/C 18 December

  • The House of Commons will break for Christmas recess on Tuesday 19 December. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP has said he is ready to legislate to “protect" Northern Ireland's place in the UK's internal market ahead of this. During PMQs, he told the House of Commons such a move would sit alongside a deal to restore the Northern Ireland Executive.

  • Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP has said his party is “approaching the time” for a decision on his party’s return to Stormont following an offer of a £2.5bn financial package from the UK Government. The package includes a lump sum to settle public sector pay claims. All five main parties have stated that the package is not enough, with Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP saying the financial package being offered to Northern Ireland “falls short” of what is needed.

  • Ian Snowden has taken up the role of Interim Permanent Secretary at the Department for the Economy following Mike Brennan’s retirement.

  • An updated Autism Strategy has been published by the Department of Health. An initial two-year delivery plan has been developed which can be viewed here: LINK.

  • The Independent Review of Education has been published, with the panel putting forward a total of 25 recommendations which can be viewed here: LINK.

  • Digital DNA has appointed Chloe Ferris as Managing Director.  

  • Wide disruption is expected today, tomorrow, and Friday 22 December as transport strike action in Northern Ireland takes place.

  • Radiographers in Northern Ireland will strike over working conditions and the strain being placed on them by a lack of recruitment on 18 January, unless a deal is reached between the main parties and the UK Government, according to the Belfast Telegraph.

Republic of Ireland

  • The Sinn Féin Dublin North-West TD, Dessie Ellis says he will wait until after next year’s local elections to decide whether he will run in the next general election. Another Sinn Féin TD, Martin Browne of the Tipperary constituency is yet to confirm whether he will run.

  • Ireland’s domestic economy is slowing faster than expected, according to statistics from the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) as reported in the Irish Times. ESRI has predicted domestic economic growth for next year at 2% after GDP fell by 2.7% in 2024.

  • Longford-Westmeath TD and former minister Robert Troy has confirmed that the Standards in Public Office Commission has opened a formal investigation into his conduct following allegations he broke the law by failing to declare property and business interests for three consecutive years, which is also the reason Mr Troy resigned as a junior minister last August.

  • Minister for Climate Eamon Ryan TD said the agreement reached at COP 28 calling on countries to accelerate a global shift away from fossil fuels was historic “because for the first time in nearly 30 years it contains language which addresses and acknowledges fossil fuels as the primary source of climate change”.

Other Stories this week

  • Secretary of State Chris Heaton Harris MP has appointed Ms Karly Greene, Mr Michael Counahan, and Mr John Hood to the board of Tourism NI.

  • The Department for the Economy has launched a public appointment competition to appoint a new Chair to the Board of the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland. Details of the appointment can be viewed here: LINK.

  • According to an internal memo seen by the Irish News, Northern Ireland’s largest car dealership Charles Hurst is set to make up to 100 redundancies. The company operates eight sites in Northern Ireland with a staff of around 870.

  • The Department for Infrastructure is inviting the public to have their say on a consultation on proposed revisions and changes to the Planning (Development Management) Regulations (NI) 2015. The consultation will run for 12 weeks until 3 March 2024. See link here: LINK.

  • The value of goods sales from Britain to Northern Ireland dropped by 2.4% in 2022, as reported by the BBC.

  • Following COP28, renewable energy and net zero policy in Northern Ireland will be the focus of a new inquiry by MPs on the cross-party Northern Ireland Affairs Select Committee. The inquiry comes as a result of data showing that Northern Ireland is not on target to meet it’s 20230 climate targets.

  • The Department for the Economy has launched a competition for bids to run a Social Enterprise Work Programme which delivers strategic support to the social enterprise sector. More information and how to apply can be viewed here: LINK.

  • The Department for Infrastructure has announced a recruitment campaign to appoint a Chair and a Non-Executive Member to the Board of Northern Ireland Water. The application pack can be viewed here: LINK.

  • Payrolled employees and earnings have decreased over the month, according to labour market statistics published by NISRA. The report also states that proposed and confirmed redundancies are approximately three times that of the same period last year. The full report can be viewed here: LINK.

Upcoming key political and business events

  • 19 December, Belfast City Council, ‘Meet the Broker’ VCSE networking event, City Hall.

  • 19 December, House of Commons Christmas Recess begins.

  • 8 January, House of Commons returns from Christmas Recess.

  • 10 January, Invest NI, Essential guide to market research support and business advice. Ecos Hub, Ballymena.

  • 16 January, IoD, The Director’s Update, online.

  • 20 January, TEDxStormont, Parliament Buildings, Belfast.

  • 25 January, NI Cyber, The Breakfast Club, Aflac, Belfast.


What's in store for 2024

By Caolan McCusker, Brown O’Connor Communications

Politics in Northern Ireland this year has been marked by the same running theme as 2022 –instability. As the first round of all-party talks since the Summer continues this week, DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP has said his party is “approaching the time” for a decision on a return to Stormont. A financial deal is on the table, and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP stands ready to legislate to “protect” Northern Ireland’s place in the UK internal market, however the uncertainty continues. The DUP, which has not put any timescale against its next move, polled at a comfortable 28% in the Autumn poll by LucidTalk, and is therefore not under any electoral pressure for a Stormont return.

2024 looks set to be a bumper year for elections, with widespread speculation that the next UK general election will take place in May 2024. Rumours are also circulating that the next Irish general election could be called before the deadline of March 2025, and the US Presidential election is set to take place in November 2024.


Looking ahead to the upcoming Westminster election, it is important to note the significance of Northern Ireland’s 18 seats – NI political parties have been kingmakers in hung parliaments in the past.

The latest YouGov poll on voting intentions shows an almost 20% lead for Labour at 44%, compared to just 25% for Conservatives. The political odds of a Labour Majority at the next general election are placed by PaddyPower at 2/9, compared to 9/1 odds for the Conservatives – most people’s money would be on Starmer. Despite public fatigue with the Conservative government, which has been in charge for thirteen years, the party is utilising every weapon in their policy arsenal ahead of the election, from cutting taxes to their controversial Rwanda asylum plan. This immigration policy brings with it the potential for major implications for Northern Ireland – if the UK leaves the European Convention on Human Rights to achieve this policy due to a possible legal challenge from Strasbourg, some NI political parties argue this would breach the Good Friday Agreement, of which large parts of the deal are underpinned by the ECHR. A huge policy change for NI to potentially happen next year.

Looking South

Turning to the Republic of Ireland, Sinn Féin is enjoying its continuing wave of support ahead of the next general election. It remains Ireland’s most popular party at 29% in a recent Red C poll, comfortably ahead of its closest rivals Fine Gael on 20%. However, due to the proportional representation system in the Republic, it would be nearly impossible for Sinn Féin to achieve a majority of seats on its own – they will need political friends to form a coalition, which they are in short supply of. Therefore, the make-up of the next government is certainly not set in stone. If Sinn Féin was to form a government however, with Michelle O’Neill MLA as First Minister-designate, it would represent one party’s majority political control of the Island of Ireland, bringing with it unprecedented change.

1600 Pennsylvania Ave

The US Presidential race looks set to be a repeat of 2020, with Democratic incumbent Joe Biden likely to face former Republican President Donald Trump. Polls place both candidates neck and neck a year out from the election. President Biden demonstrated a clear commitment to the advancement of Northern Ireland’s economy through his visit earlier this year, and through the appointment of political heavy-weight Joe Kennedy III as Special Envoy. With US investment playing a key role in the NI economy, strong political relationships with the US remain crucial.

The economic outlook may be the major decider in these elections – and 2023 has been a year plagued by inflation, rising interest rates, and teetering on the edge of a recession. The outlook for 2024 remains bleak, with the OECD predicting UK growth to remain low and core inflation to linger at 3.8%. This will likely hurt the chances of incumbent governments and strengthen the chances of their challengers whose supporters seek change.

With all of this political activity comes the crucial need for preparation on the part of businesses.

Options for Pre-Application Community Consultations published by Department for Infrastructure

During the COVID-19 pandemic, DfI temporarily removed the requirement to hold the in-person public event in line with public health guidance.

In response, prospective applicants diversified their consultation methods and made use of digital /online methods including web/online based engagement (such as webinars, online Zoom / MS Teams web events) and increased their use of social media to raise awareness of development proposals and invite feedback from local communities.

Following the pandemic, feedback received as part of the Review of the Implementation of The Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 (24 of 59 responses - 40.6%) and the Planning Engagement Partnership (PEP) indicated that the introduction of the digital / online options during the PACC process were a positive addition to community engagement.

It was felt that during the pandemic the online display of development proposals yielded ‘numerous benefits’.

Following detailed consideration, the Department is proposing two potential options in the current consultation for incorporating digital / online engagement into the PACC process 5 and is seeking views and feedback from the public and stakeholders on these. In summary, the two options are:

Option 1

·       This option retains the requirement for an in-person public event for all major development. However, it would introduce an additional requirement for prospective applicants to display information for all major developments on a website for a specified period, during the pre-application phase.

·       A link to the website would be included on the newspaper notice, and it would display information on the proposal and drawings outlining graphical illustrations of the development.

·       The website would also have the facility to accept comments and feedback online and would provide information on how to contact the applicant in relation to queries.

·       It is anticipated that the date of the in-person public event would coincide with the live website.

·       This would enable members of the public to view and consider the proposals online, with the option of attending the public event and engaging with the applicant to provide comments in person.

Option 2

This option retains the requirement for a public event for all major development, however, proposes to introduce an element of flexibility enabling it to be facilitated either as:

·       an in-person consultation event held in the locality of the proposed development; or

·       an online consultation event, where members of the public can attend virtually to engage with the applicant and provide comments on the proposed development. In practice, the prospective applicant would propose the type of public event it believes to be the most appropriate based on the detail of the proposed development and its site location, and agreement would be sought from the council or Department as part of the PAN process.

Similar to Option 1, this option seeks to introduce an additional requirement for prospective applicants to display information for all major developments on a website for a specified period, during the pre-application phase.

A link to the website would be included on the newspaper notice, and it would display information on the proposal and drawings outlining graphical illustrations of the development.

The website would also have the facility to accept comments and feedback online and would provide information on how to contact the applicant in relation to queries. 6 It is anticipated that the date of the in-person public event would coincide with the live website.

This would enable members of the public to view and consider the proposals online, with the option of attending the public event and engaging with the applicant to provide comments in person. With both options, the council or Department can still request further consultation with the community, where they deem it necessary to do so.



Rich Peppiatt’s KNEECAP will have its world premiere at the renowned Sundance Film Festival in Utah next month where it will screen on the opening night on Thursday 18th January. 

Based on the origin story of the riotous and ground-breaking Irish-language rap trio Kneecap, the film stars the band’s Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Próvaí in their acting debuts alongside Academy Award® nominated Michael Fassbender (Steve Jobs, 12 Years a Slave), Simone Kirby (Hidden Assets, Jimmy’s Hall) and Josie Walker (Belfast, The Wonder).  Set in west Belfast in 2019, it chronicles how fate brings the trio together and how they then go on to “change the sound of Irish music forever”.

Speaking about the world premiere writer / director Rich Peppiatt said:

“When I first set out to make a film in a language I didn't speak, set in a place I'm not from, little could I have imagined four years later we would be introducing Kneecap the movie to the world at the Mecca of Independent cinema. It's an honour to be breaking new ground for Irish language cinema with a film that surprises & provokes every bit as much as Kneecap's music.”

Kneecap added:

“We are buzzing to be premiering at Sundance. Wherever we go we aim to smash preconceptions about cultural identity, language and highlight the role of the working classes to overthrow oppressive power. To now bring this message from the streets of West Belfast to the big screen is f*cking excellent. We're immensely proud of the film and can't wait to get it to cinemas around the world.”

Producer Trevor Birney from Fine Point Films said:

“This is the first Irish language film to have been selected by Sundance, which is simply incredible not only for Rich Peppiatt and Kneecap but for Fine Point and the film industry in Ireland, north and south. I was excited about this film from the moment Rich came to me with the idea and we began to work together with the band on making it happen. Thanks to the incredible crew and, of course, the funders who supported Rich’s vision. Go raibh maith agaibh.”

Patrick O’Neill, MD at Wildcard said:

"Wildcard are thrilled to be involved with Kneecap as producer and distributor. It's a brilliant Irish film that I am sure will connect with audiences all over Ireland and worldwide.  We can't wait to bring it to Irish cinemas in 2024."

Founded in 1978, the Sundance Film Festival is the world's most prestigious festival dedicated to independent films.  Titles that have screened at the festival in the past include The Usual Suspects, Reservoir Dogs, Little Miss Sunshine, and In Bruges as well as Irish productions such as John Crowley's Brooklyn, Yorgos Lanthimos's The Lobster, John Carney's Sing Street and Lee Cronin’s The Hole in the Ground.

KNEECAP is the first non-US film to ever be selected for the NEXT section of the festival. The festival describes selections for this section as “pure, bold works distinguished by an innovative, forward-thinking approach to story-telling”.  The film is writer/director Rich Peppiatt’s first live-action feature following his award-winning satirical documentary One Rogue Reporter.

Described by the LA Times as “reminiscent of the early Eminem”, the band Kneecap is gaining critical acclaim for their artful blend of Irish and English rap about the gritty reality of growing up in post-Troubles Belfast.  Their single Better Way to Live featuring Grian Chatten was released last month with their highly anticipated debut album set to be released early next year.

KNEECAP was produced by Jack Tarling and Trevor Birney for Fine Point Films and Mother Tongues Films, with Patrick O’Neill at Wildcard acting as Co-Producer.  Funding for the film was provided by Northern Ireland Screen, the Irish Language Broadcast Fund, Screen Ireland, the BFI (awarding National Lottery funding), Coimisiún na Meán and TG4, with backing from Great Point Media.

The Sundance Film Festival will take place from 18th – 28th January in Park City and Salt Lake City, Utah with KNEECAP screening on the opening night.  Anonymous Content (The Revenant) will be representing the film at the festival alongside sales agent Charades (Aftersun).

KNEECAP will be released in Irish cinemas by Wildcard and Curzon in 2024. 

Allstate Software Studio opens at Queen’s University Belfast

Karen Rafferty, Head of School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, QUB; Zulfi Jeevanjee, Executive Vice-President and CIO Allstate; Austen Rainer, Professor (Education) EEECS, QUB; Stephen McKeown, Vice President and Managing Director Allstate NI; Helen Carrick, Assistant Director (Philanthropy) QUB; Ryan Feeney, Vice-President Strategic Engagement and External Affairs, QUB.

Allstate NI and Queen’s University Belfast have launched the Allstate Software Studio, a new purpose-built training facility for software engineering students.

Located within the QUB Computer Science building, the studio is a dual-purpose space designed for hands-on training, encouraging students to put theory into practice.

With a lecture theatre and collaboration space built in, the studio supports both undergraduate and postgraduate students completing software and computer science related courses.

In Northern Ireland, the software sector contributes £1.7 billion to the economy each year by employing approximately 23,000 people across 2,200 businesses.

The latest figures published by the Department for the Economy reveal that in 2021, programmers and software developers accounted for almost half (45%) of IT professionals, and software development, software engineering, and Software as a Service (SaaS) are among the top 25 skills in demand across the IT sector in Northern Ireland.

Part funded by Allstate NI, the technology arm of US insurance company Allstate and Northern Ireland’s largest IT employer, the Software Studio builds on Allstate’s commitment to supporting the next generation of technologists and developing the local workforce to meet future skills demands.

The facility was officially opened with a visit from Stephen McKeown, Vice President and Managing Director of Allstate Northern Ireland and Zulfi Jeevanjee, Executive Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Allstate Technology Solutions. 

Stephen McKeown, Vice President and Managing Director of Allstate Northern Ireland said:

“The opening of the Allstate Software Studio at Queen’s University Belfast is a great step forward in our partnership with the education sector in Northern Ireland. It is a space that replicates the working environment graduates will move to once completing their degrees, a collaborative space where they can be innovative and that will help their transition to the workplace. The discipline of software engineering, including app development, app efficiency and scaling, is a foundational part of our work at Allstate NI and we are committed to empowering students to excel in this area.”

Professor Austen Rainer, Queen’s University Belfast School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science said:

The Allstate Software Studio is a significant addition to our facilities for educating computer science and software engineering students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is a distinct space, co-designed with Allstate, and unique amongst the facilities we offer; a space that encourages students to think differently and collaboratively, to prepare them for successful careers in the IT industry. We are delighted to partner with Allstate NI, as a major IT employer in Northern Ireland, on this facility.”

'Headline tax cuts, but limited relief offered by the Chancellor’ says Neil Armstrong, Tax Director at Baker Tilly Mooney Moore in response to today’s Autumn Statement

Tax Director at Baker Tilly Mooney Moore Neil Armstrong

“Today’s Autumn Statement delivers a range of measures aimed at easing the pressure on personal and business finances, but in reality, represents little in the way of immediate change.”

“Certainly, there are some takeaways for businesses, mainly the decision to convert Full Expensing to a permanent measure. A tax break that was introduced in the Spring Budget to replace the Super Deduction, the Full Expensing Scheme allows companies to deduct spending on investment from profits by a maximum of 25p on every £1, meaning they then pay lower amounts of corporation tax. The conversion of this measure to permanent will extend this relief for businesses, however with the availability on Annual Investment Allowance, it is only generally applicable to the largest companies.”

“On the personal finance side, the 2% reduction in the National Insurance rate on earnings between £12,570 and £50,270 will make employees slightly better off at the end of each month. Once implemented in January, it will allow a maximum saving of £754 per annum for employees, while for sole traders and partnerships the abolishment of Class 2 NICs and decrease in Class 4 NICs will save a maximum of £569 per annum. These measures are a step in the right direction, but they represent only minor progress towards easing the financial pressures individuals are facing. With the National Minimum Wage increased by 9.8%, the Chancellor has presented a combination of measures that on the surface appear significant, but in reality, include little additional relief and may in fact leave some small and medium sized businesses worse off.”

Local cancer charity funds first pancreatic biobank

This World Pancreatic Cancer Day, local charity, Cancer Focus Northern Ireland, has announced the creation of NI’s first pancreatic tumour tissue resource.

The £245k funded research project at Queen’s University Belfast, made possible after a three-year charity partnership with Belfast City Marathon, has reviewed over twenty years of pancreatic patients’ tumour samples to create a biobank. This resource will allow for better investigation into the role of the immune system in pancreatic cancer prognosis and support the development of early diagnostic testing in the future.

Speaking of the creation of the biobank, Dr Richard Turkington, Clinical Reader (Medical Oncology) at Queen’s University Belfast commented:

“This exciting research provides a true population-based patient cohort across all Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland. What that means for local people is that we can begin to investigate the role of the immune system on diagnosis of pancreatic cancer with a longer-term goal of seeing the biobank support the development of early diagnostic testing. Thank you to everyone who ran, walked, or jogged for Cancer Focus NI, your generosity goes a long way in helping to fund local, and vital, cancer research projects.”

Speaking about the importance of funding local research, Richard Spratt, Chief Executive at Cancer Focus NI detailed:

“Earlier this year, our charity announced an ambitious and innovative five-year strategy with a vision of wanting local people to live their most fulfilled lives with access to world-leading, equitable cancer support, treatment, diagnosis, prevention, and research. Championing local research has always been a defining strategic objective for our charity, and I’m delighted that, thanks to a wonderful charity partnership with Belfast City Marathon, we have been able to fund such an important project that will make a lasting difference to pancreatic cancer patients for years to come.”

To help the charity fund future cancer research projects, visit or email

Sinn Féin Ard Fheis 2023


  • The Sinn Féin Ard Fheis kicks off this evening at 6pm in Athlone with TDs, MLAs, MPs and a heap of Councillors making their way to the middle of Ireland for the annual assembly.

  • Around 190 motions will be proposed and voted upon over the two days, before the Ard Fheis draws to a close on Saturday evening with the Presidential address from party leader Mary Lou McDonald.

What’s the context?

  • Sinn Féin go into their Ard Fheis in a position of strength both North and South of the border.  The latest Lucid Talk poll shows the party has maintained its position as the most popular in Northern Ireland with 31% vote share, although the DUP have closed to within three points recently.

  • In the Republic, things are looking even better, with a Red C poll showing Sinn Féin’s current share of the vote at 32%, however the party lies a full 12 points ahead of closest rivals Fine Gael.

  • According to Politico’s ‘Poll of Polls’, support for Sinn Féin has wavered by two points from this time last year in the Republic, and according to Lucid Talk by one point North of the border.

  • This stability at the top of the popular vote puts them in a very good place ahead of the next Irish general election which must be held before March 2025, but is expected earlier.

  • Focus is likely to be on the Republic at this Ard Fheis with local and European elections on the horizon.

Business from the Clár

  • The Clár reinforces Sinn Féin’s intention to lead the Irish Government following the next general election. It lays out plans to deal with the crises in housing, addiction, and the cost-of-living.

  • First Minister Designate Michelle O’Neill MLA will make her keynote speech at 6.50pm on Friday.

  • Within the Clár, Sinn Féin commits to pursuing the expansion of Magee University, improving infrastructure links and making access to the North West easier.

  • Elsewhere in infrastructure, the party has reaffirmed its commitment to the Narrow Water Bridge project, recognising the positive impact on tourism in South Down/North Louth.

  • The crisis in Legal Aid funding in Northern Ireland has been noted by the Ard Fheis as an ongoing challenge to access to justice.

  • There’s a call for a review of the Housing Growth Indicators 2016–2030 to adequately reflect the housing needs of the North and take account of Sinn Féin’s ambition to see 100,000 plus homes delivered over 15 years.

Key Moments in Ard Fheis Agenda

Friday Evening

  • 18:00 Opening Address – Sorca Clarke TD

  • 18:50 Keynote Address – Michelle O’Neill MLA, Leas-Uachtarán

  • 20:00 Keynote Address - Pearse Doherty TD

Saturday Morning

  • 10:00 Investing in the Future: Climate Action and Energy Security (Motions 78-95)

  • 11:00 A Better, Fairer, Stronger Country: Planning for Irish Unity (Motions 96-102)

Saturday Afternoon / Evening

  • 12:00 Time For Change – Keynote speeches carried by RTÉ

  • 18:30 Presidential Address – Mary Lou McDonald TD, Uachtará

On the Economy

At a recent Sinn Fein business breakfast in Cookstown, likely incoming Economy Minister in the North, Conor Murphy MLA, stated that SF had 4 objectives for the Department for the Economy - Good jobs; Promote regional balance; Raise productivity; Reducing carbon emissions.

He also outlined what he called their ‘Comprehensive Policy Framework’ which would include the likes of:

  • New network of regional offices of Invest NI

  • Working better with startups and Further Education colleges

  • Need to do more to address shortages of workers and skills

  • High cost of childcare - developing a scheme

  • Skills academies - more / better careers advice connected to local businesses

  • Wider remit for InterTrade Ireland

  • Greater focus on cluster development across a range of businesses

  • Taking advantage of post Brexit dual access All-island economy

Families of ‘Lost Boys: Belfast’s Missing Children’ documentary launch legal action

KRW LAW act on behalf of the families of three young boys killed during the early years of the Troubles.

The bodies of two of the boys, David Leckey, and Jonathan Aven, have never been found after they went missing in 1969. The dismembered remains of a third boy, Brian McDermott, were recovered in September 1973.

The recent release of a powerful groundbreaking documentary, ‘Lost Boys: Belfast’s Missing Children’ exposed the full extent of the investigative failures on these and two other cases of missing boys from the same era. Legal action is now planned against the State over a cover up which went right to the top of the political establishment.

Owen Winters of KRW LAW Historic Abuse Redress Dept said:

“It was a poignant moment when the families met for the first time in our offices to discuss all the complex legal issues arising from these incredibly sad narratives. It’s always a difficult undertaking when families try to turn the clock back and seek some long overdue justice for the loss of loved ones. That task is made all the more difficult when obstacles are placed in the way to try and prevent that happening.”

“The documentary makes it glaringly obvious there was no attempt to link up all the cases in one themed investigation. We say that omission was deliberate and calculated to make sure there would never be a proper inquiry into what happened.”

“We are making applications to the Coroner for a conjoined inquest on all the cases. We will also file complaints with PONI over the systemic failures by police to investigate these missing body cases, treated as connected murder inquiries.”

“In addition, we are issuing high court civil proceedings against the State for misfeasance, negligence, and conspiracy over the cover up.”

“Over and above this, we say there is now clearly a case for PSNI to start a thematic investigation into all the cases. As a starting point police would do well to engage immediately with the makers of the programme.”

‘Lost Boys: Belfast’s Missing Children’ documentary Producer, Ed Stobart, and Director, Des Henderson

“There’s something inherently wrong with a justice system that places over reliance on the far-reaching work of investigative journalists before a meaningful inquiry can look at why suspects were protected from prosecution.”

“Even though all the main suspect perpetrators are dead that doesn’t mean work shouldn’t start immediately. The passage of time ought not to prohibit a full-scale inquiry into the institutional failings which occurred here. That includes looking at links between the cases and the notorious Boys Home at Kincora.”

“State agencies including MI5 were alleged to have prevented the full truth about Kincora historic abuse of boys during the 1970s, all of which happened in the same geographical area and time span as these missing boy cases.”

“MI5 were never compelled to attend nor provide information to the Hart Inquiry into historic institutional abuse in the jurisdiction. We now want to try and address that failure by calling on the Secretary of State to authorise an independent inquiry into the “Lost boys”, with full powers to access hitherto concealed documents.”

“The families of the missing boys and Brian McDermott are long overdue some semblance of justice. We call on all engaged state agencies to do the right thing and help them to get just that.”

Woodvale Inspires local people to ‘Mo Your Own Way’ this November to raise vital funds for health and wellbeing service

L-R: Kerry Anthony, CEO of Inspire Wellbeing joins broadcaster Liam Beckett and Woodvale Manager Lesley-Ann Beckett to launch a campaign to raise funds for Inspire’s Woodvale Centre in Ballymena.

L-R: Woodvale Manager Lesley-Ann Beckett joins broadcaster Liam Beckett and Kerry Anthony, CEO of Inspire Wellbeing to launch a campaign to raise funds for Inspire’s Woodvale Centre in Ballymena.

Inspire Wellbeing is urging Ballymena locals to get behind a new fundraising drive to refurbish the community mental health and wellbeing service in the town.

Inspire Wellbeing’s Woodvale Centre has been supporting people with mental health needs for more than 50 years and is now in line for a much-needed revamp.

Inspire have already secured funding from the Community Ownership Fund but must also match fund this grant and is now appealing to local people and businesses to get behind the appeal and ‘Mo Your Own Way’ in the month of November.

The money raised will help transform Woodvale into a fully refurbished multi-purpose community wellbeing hub, accessible to the whole community and sustainable for future decades. 

Inspired by MOVEMBER

The campaign is inspired by none other than moustachioed broadcaster and football manager Liam Beckett who is lending his support to the campaign and calling on others to play a small part and lend a hand.

Some of the activities that the charity is suggesting include:

  • Rack up some MO miles with a static bike ride, a sponsored walk or a swimming challenge. 

  • Grow a MO - for the more daring, growing their own moustache.

  • Buy a brick for a minimum donation of £100.

For more ideas and inspiration on fundraising, visit:

Liam Beckett said:

The Woodvale Centre is a vital part of the fabric of Ballymena and I’m thrilled to be able to lend my support to the campaign. It’s flattering that people might think of growing their own moustache but it’s a lot of work, so I’d personally suggest a golf day as a much more enjoyable alternative. In all seriousness though, I have seen the difference this centre makes to people’s lives and every single donation will help us make this building fit and serve our community.”

Kerry Anthony, Chief Executive of Inspire Wellbeing said:

“We are confident that with the goodwill of the people of Ballymena we can raise the funds needed to transform Woodvale and give it a new lease of life. Liam has a super moustache that has been carefully styled over the years and we want to see some local people try their hand at growing their own ‘MO’ during Movember. For those who cannot grow a mo, its fair to say we are not short of ideas – buy a brick that we will put your name on, arrange your own golf day, or even get the hiking boots on and put the hard yards in to raise some money. Every little bit will go a long way towards us hitting our target”.