Positive Life Reacts to updated RSE regulations

Reacting to the announcement that the UK Government is to update the requirements for Relationship and Sexuality Education in Northern Ireland, Jacquie Richardson, Chief Executive of Positive Life said:

“Today’s announcement by the Northern Ireland Office that the Government is to update the requirements for Relationship and Sexuality Education in Northern Ireland is welcome news for anyone who has advocated for facts-based age-appropriate education over the past several years.

“While we recognise that this is a good decision made by the Secretary of State, it should not have taken a nudge by the United Nations to for him to do so. From the outset, regulations should have already been updated by a locally elected Minister.

“The devil will be in the detail of this decision. The guidance which will be published by the Department of Education must include facts-based teaching on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. We cannot stand back and teach our young people half the picture, they must know the full story to have healthy and positive sexual relationships.”