2023 Local Government Party Manifestos

As we enter polling week, parties and candidates are entering the final furlong of what has been a low-key campaign. With the launch of the SDLP’s in East Belfast on Friday, all parties have now published their manifestos for voters to consider. Take a read below at each party’s commitments to support their local communities in areas such as business, economic development, housing, and the climate.  Click each party’s name below to take you directly to the manifesto as well.

Sinn Féin:

  • Sinn Féin has pledged to support local SMEs, promote a balanced economy, maximise an all-island tourism sector, and to develop skills and job opportunities

  • Sinn Féin has committed to improving council planning processes to address unnecessary delays, and for the councils to provide more available land for social housing.

  • Sinn Féin has committed to ensuring rural communities have access to social and affordable housing and support for the vital family farms and Agri-food sector. 


  • The DUP has committed to securing the lowest possible rate increase, by improving council efficiency, expanding economic development strategies, and promoting anti-avoidance programmes.

  • The DUP, working with Invest NI, will seek support for rural-based growth, promote self-employment, and improve access to local government procurement for local SMEs.

  • The DUP has committed to securing stronger deadlines for statutory consultees to meet or face penalties, providing adequate funding of enforcement teams, and the creation of council powers to remove dilapidated buildings.


  • The Alliance Party has committed to the development of hubs within the council areas, using community planning to link small businesses and social enterprises with further education colleges.

  • The party will develop a new and innovative model of funding and investment to NI’s cities, towns, and villages, to provide regeneration to the town centres and support local business association.

  • Alliance has committed to developing a localised action plan, to ensure a swifter turnaround of planning applications. The party has also committed to the full digitisation of the planning process in an accessible manner.


  • The SDLP has committed to supporting and making local businesses more inclusive, by developing strategies to support social, enterprises, women in business and youth enterprise.

  • The party has promised to introduce planning reform, that commits to engage with investors, communities, and citizens.

  • The SDLP has committed to improving NI transport infrastructure such as expanding NI railway network, through the all-island rail review, and to develop a strategy for road repair.


  • The UUP has committed to acting to ensure each council pays its bills promptly. The UUP will seek to appoint a Prompt Payment Champion in each council, which will make public its payments data and ensure that it pays interest on late payments. 

  • The UUP is determined to shake-up the current planning system and to invest in NI’s declining water and sewage systems.

  • The UUP has promised to continue the delivery of City and Growth Deals, and to create global centres of innovation and excellence in key growth areas.

Green Party:

  • To develop a greener and more sustainable planning system, the Green Party, has committed to put the community first, by introducing a requirement that community representatives are involved in pre-application discussions to ensure early, proactive community input into plans.

  • The Green Party has pledged to address the gap left behind by the European Social Fund, and other cuts to the community and voluntary sector.

  • The Green Party has committed to ensuring all councils have a zero-waste plan by 2026, to enable businesses to transition away from single use materials.


  • The TUV has promised to develop a more equitable distribution of the rates burden. The party also advocates for NI to create a strategy for businesses to enhance employment opportunities, along with training and upskilling workers.

  • The TUV has committed to providing adequate funding for basic preventative maintenance in housing, and investment into the direct labor organization DLO.

  • The TUV has pledged to support education services by investing in the recruitment of teachers and the development of fair pay. The party has also committed to harnessing children’s skills and talents and helping them connect with local businesses.

People Before Profit:

  • People Before Profit has pledged to end all privatisation of Council services. People Before Profit has also pledged to end wasteful expenditure on private consulting and to re-invest money currently funneled into private sector into council services.

  • ·People Before Profit has pledged to force developers to prioritise the development of more social housing, and to cap local rent prices to become more affordable.

  • People Before Profit are committed to dealing with rising rate prices and are seeking to implement a fairer system.