NI charities issue call for support as Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) launches Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has today launched an appeal to raise urgent funds to help people affected by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria which have killed more than 15,000 people and injured many more.

In Northern Ireland, the DEC’s member charities Concern Worldwide, the British Red Cross, Save the Children and Tearfund are urging local people to support the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal where they can.  

Thousands of buildings, including hospitals and schools, have collapsed and infrastructure has been badly damaged. Local responders are searching through the rubble for survivors.

Many people have been left without shelter in freezing winter conditions, with humanitarian needs expected to grow in the coming days. Access to clean water is likely to be a challenge, bringing the risk of waterborne diseases. There was already an outbreak of cholera in north-west Syria before the earthquake.

The first earthquake struck without warning in the early hours as people slept. In Turkey, tens of thousands of people have been injured. According to the Turkish government, 380,000 people have sought refuge in government shelters or hotels.

Buildings also collapsed in north-west Syria where many people have fled from conflict in the country and medical facilities are limited. Aid workers say displaced people living in tents are hosting families whose homes have been destroyed.

DEC charities and their local partners are among the first responders, working with locally-led relief efforts. Immediate priorities are medical treatment for the injured, shelter for those who have lost their homes, as well as blankets, warm clothes and heaters for safe spaces. They are also ensuring people have enough food and clean water. 

The DEC brings together 15 leading aid charities at times of crisis overseas. Fourteen of these are responding in Turkey and Syria including British Red Cross, ActionAid and Save the Children.

Lois Bailie, NI Acting Director at Tearfund, said:

“It has been terrible to watch this week as the devastation caused in Turkey and Syria by the earthquakes became clear. Thousands of people have lost their lives, lost loved ones and ended up in crisis following the earthquakes in the early hours of Monday morning. Buildings have collapsed and people have been trapped under rubble, with many others left out in the cold facing unimaginable circumstances.”

“Help is urgently needed on the ground to provide immediate aid and to begin the assessment of what will be needed in the long term. The DEC’s work ensures donations are turned into tangible, on the ground aid as quickly as possible. We urge people to give whatever they can to the DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.”

DEC Chief Executive Saleh Saeed said:

“The devastation in Turkey and Syria is heartbreaking, with thousands of people losing loved ones suddenly in the most shocking of ways. In Turkey alone, 6,000 buildings including schools and health centres have collapsed, with infrastructure vital to everyday life such as sanitation and water supplies badly damaged.”

“Funds are urgently needed to support families with medical aid, emergency shelter, food and clean water in freezing, snowy conditions. Fourteen of our member charities are responding now in Turkey and Syria and can do more with your help. Of course, we know that money is tight for many people here in the UK as the cost-of-living crisis continues, but if you can, please do donate to support people caught up in this deadly disaster.” 

Salah Aboulgasem, Deputy Director of Partner Development at Islamic Relief, based in Gazientep, Turkey, said:

“The priority right now is saving lives by clearing the rubble. The next priority is supporting people who have lost their homes and gone through huge trauma. People need medicines and warmth. There is a lot of screaming, people are trying to find relatives.” 

“A lot of people are sleeping in cars because they are scared to go back into the buildings due to aftershocks. The cars are freezing cold.” 

“Islamic Relief have lots of local staff and a well-established programme in the area, they are working with mosques and schools to open shelters.” 

The UK Government will match the first £5 million of donations from the British public to the DEC’s Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal to provide vital humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people affected by the disaster. This is part of a wider package of support from the UK Government and is in addition to ongoing UK Aid support in Syria and Turkey. 

 UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said:

“When disasters like these terrible earthquakes strike, we know the British people want to help. They have shown time and again that few are more generous and compassionate. 

“That is why we are match funding public donations to DEC’s appeal to provide urgent humanitarian assistance, as part of a wider package of support from the UK that will be used to provide life-saving interventions to those who need it most in the region.” 

Stay up to date with developments in Turkey and Syria, the emergency response and the fundraising efforts with the DEC on Twitter or on Facebook.