Brown O’Connor Communications Weekly Look Ahead – Ireland Wednesday 15 February 2023

Forward Look     

  • Justice Minister Simon Harris has confirmed applications under the Immigrant Investor Programme will no longer be accepted from close of play today.

  • The Labour Party will table a motion at its annual conference next month to formalise its presence in Northern Ireland.

  • The UK Transport Secretary Mark Harper MP has said the UK Government is open to working with the Irish Government on cross-border infrastructure projects.

  • The Telegraph is reporting that a new Brexit deal can be expected in the next fortnight.

  • A new cost of living package is set to the last package before the 2024 budget.

  • The Labour Party is to bring forward a bill proposing reform of the Attorney General’s office in response to the political controversy over its legal strategy on nursing home charges.

  • The European Commission has revised upwards its forecasts for economic growth this year in Ireland. Ireland’s real GDP growth for 2023 has been revised to 4.9%.

  • Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said there will be  “social welfare and pensions element” to further cost-of-living measures to be announced in the spring. 

  • Justice Minister Simon Harris TD has briefed the Cabinet on upcoming legislation regarding the protection of vulnerable witnesses during legal proceedings.

  • Planning has begun for Taoiseach Leo Varadkar’s St. Patrick’s Day Visit to Washington, D.C to meet with US President Joe Biden. 14 senior minister and 19 junior ministers will travel to meet with governments abroad on the day.

  • Finance Minister Michael McGrath has begun stakeholder meetings with those in the hospitality sector regarding the predicted increase in VAT from 9% to 13%

  • It is expected the Education Minister Norma Foley TD will launch an inquiry into abuse at private schools in the coming months. The initial inquiry due to launch in January was delayed due to evidence gathering.

  • The haulage sector is set to receive €18 million in financial supports in the coming weeks through the Licensed Haulage Support Scheme 2023.

  • At a health conference in Dublin, Luca Lorenzoni of OECD said that Ireland’s health budget could rise to 25% of all Government spending by 2040.



Other Stories this week


  • Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Pascal Donohoe was in Brussels to chair the February Eurogroup meeting of European Finance Ministers. He also attended the ECOFIN Council on Wednesday.

  • Independent Denis Naughten TD has announced he will not contest the next general election in 2025. Naughten has served in the Dáil since 1997.

  • The Cabinet approved a new Citizen’s Assembly on drug use at its meeting in Dublin yesterday.


Upcoming key political and business events


  • 16 February Chartered Accountants of Ireland Members Dinner with Donard Gaynor, Sligo Park Hotel.

  • 23 February Dublin Chamber of Commerce AGM Dinner, Royal Convention Centre, Dublin.

  • 23 February Investment Firms Outlook 2023, The Marker Hotel, Dublin.

  • 24 February Business Post Global Irish Diaspora Awards, the Waldorf Hilton, London.

  • 24 February CIPD Ireland HR Awards, The Round Room at the Mansion House, Dublin.

