Minister for the Economy, Gordon Lyons MLA
Minister for the Economy, Gordon Lyons MLA has published plans to improve Northern Ireland’s digital connectivity.
The Mobile Action Plan for Northern Ireland (MAP NI), developed through cross-departmental working and engagement with key stakeholders, contains specific actions to remove barriers existing in five identified areas and support accessible, secure digital infrastructure.
The five key themes identified by the report include the need to address the Perception of Mobile Technology, Planning, Costs, Public Asset Availability, and Keeping Pace.
Improving the Planning Process
The Mobile Action Plan recognises the barriers inherent within the current planning system, including inefficiencies, the need for closer working between the Department for Infrastructure and Councils, and for the process to keep pace with evolving technology. Four actions with estimated delivery dates are set out under the plan.
What is proposed?
· The Department for Infrastructure will continue to look at ways to ensure the planning system supports better digital infrastructure and the economic and societal benefits that this brings.
· Industry stakeholders will also be encouraged to proactively engage with local councils to factor-in technological considerations within Local Development Plans.
Target date: Ongoing and regularly reviewed.
· The Department for the Economy and the NI Local Government Association will consider ways to enhance planners’ understanding of telecommunication and digital technology by harnessing awareness raising campaigns and the sharing of best practice from other jurisdictions.
Target date: November 2022.
· Northern Ireland Councils will investigate the benefits and feasibility of appointing ‘Digital Champions’ to act as a single point of contact for mobile network operators and coordinate activities within council regarding telecommunications infrastructure.
Target date: January 2023.
· The Department for the Economy will assist local government to produce a ‘best practice guide’ on mobile network developments in collaboration with industry and relevant government bodies.
Target date: August 2023.
Keeping Pace
The Plan acknowledges that better cooperation between government departments and the private sector is needed to identify barriers to investment in telecommunication infrastructure, bring forward solutions, and set out a long-term plan to ensure dedicated resources are available into the future.
What is proposed?
· Consideration should be given to establishing a ‘Northern Ireland Barrier Busting Taskforce’ in association with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to address the barriers preventing the efficient deployment of mobile connectivity in Northern Ireland.
Target date: First meeting December 2022.
· Northern Ireland Councils should ensure that Local Development Plans take account of the changing nature of mobile telecoms solutions and ensure policies are future-proofed and regularly reviewed.
Target date: Commencing July 2022.
The Mobile Action Plan for Northern Ireland can be read in full here: LINK.