Brown O’Connor Communications Weekly Look Ahead: Week Commencing 30 May 2022

Forward Look                                

  • The Assembly will be recalled on Monday at noon, business will include the election of an Assembly Speaker and deputy Speaker and the appointment of a First and deputy First Minister.

  • The US Congressional delegation met with NI’s political parties to discuss post-Brexit trading arrangements.

  • The Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill will have its Second Reading in the House of Commons on Wednesday 8 June.

  • The Identity and Language (Northern Ireland) Bill was introduced to the House of Lords on Wednesday and is scheduled to have its Second Reading early next month.

  • Health Minister Robin Swann MLA has written to all political parties asking for them to nominate a representative to be briefed on health issues to allow the formation a shadow Health Committee.

  • Northern Ireland’s 2021 Census found that the population has increased by 5% over the past 10 years, rising to 1.903 million people. Equality statistics from the Census will be published in the Autumn.

  • Sinn Féin Councillor Sandra Duffy is expected to be nominated as the new Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, at the Council’s AGM on 6 June.

  • University of Liverpool and Queen’s University Belfast’s report on Public Attitudes to Institutional Reform in Northern Ireland will be launched at Queen’s on Thursday 9 June.

  • Belfast City Council’s AGM is set to take place on 1 June, where the new Lord Mayor will be announced.

  • 30% of respondents in the NI Life & Times Survey said Irish unity was the best long-term policy following Brexit, a rise of 4% from 2020.

  • Foreign Secretary Liz Truss MP said the British Government would prefer a negotiated outcome with the EU over NI Protocol issues.

  • The Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill passed its Second Reading in the House of Commons by a majority of 77.

  • Sustainable NI told the NI Affairs Committee that political instability and the lack of an Executive is putting inward investment in Northern Ireland at risk.

 Other Stories this week

  • Cllr Jill Macauley was appointed Chairwoman of the UUP following Danny Kennedy’s decision to step down.

  • The Department of Health allocated £46 million to tackle hospital waiting lists from April to September this year.

  • FinTru and Women in Business announced a three-year partnership to support female opportunities in the local tech industry.

  • Ulster University will host the European Association for Sport Management Conference in September 2023.

  • Chancellor Rishi Sunak MP announced a £400 payment for NI’s most vulnerable households amid the cost of living crisis.

Upcoming key political and business events

  • 16 June, NI Chamber’s In Camera with the Department for Infrastructure, The Merchant Hotel, Belfast

  • 17 June, North West Business Awards, City Hotel Derry

  • 21 June, House of Commons rises for Summer Recess

  • 24 June, NI Chamber’s Annual Lunch

  • 30 June, Irish News Workplace and Employment Awards, Titanic Belfast

  • 29 – 30 September, Centre for Cross Border Studies’ Annual Conference

  • 21 October, Belfast Chamber Business Awards, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belfast

  • 4 – 5 November, Sinn Féin Ard Fheis
