Executive publishes new draft Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland

First Minister Paul Givan MLA and deputy First Minister launching the Strategy today

The Executive have today published its new draft Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland (ISNI).

The draft strategy sets out an approach to multi-billion-bound investment for infrastructure projects including new roads, schools, hospitals, social housing and public transport. It sets out the Executive’s priorities for investment over the next 30 years.

A public consultation on the draft strategy has been opened today, with responses from businesses, community organisations and individual citizens on the future of infrastructure planning accepted being encouraged. The consultation will run for 12 weeks and closes on 20 April 2022.

Please find below a rundown of the key facets of the new Strategy.

What is the Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland?

The Investment Strategy for Northern Ireland (ISNI) describes the public infrastructure that government intends to deliver. It is one of the Executive’s three high level policy documents, developed alongside the forthcoming Programme for Government and budget. The ISNI 2011-21 saw investment of over £14.8 billion being injected into Northern Ireland, but the next ISNI will take a “longer term strategic view, supported by a more detailed 10 year plan”.

What are the key priorities of the new Investment Strategy?

The next Investment Strategy will be set against the immediate priorities of recovery from Covid-19 and adaptation to Brexit. However, it will focus on the long term (30+ years) emerging trends such as resilience to climate change, meeting the needs of a growing ageing population, as well as new technologies.

Over £1.6 billion of capital expenditure per annum will be injected into the NI public sector including roads, hospitals, schools and college. Several thematic pillars are set out, including:

  • Community and Leisure - housing; regeneration; sports and heritage.

  • Health and Social Care - primary health care (e.g. GPs and pharmacies); hospitals; social care.

  • Energy - energy generation, including renewables; energy storage and distribution.

  • Learning and Skills - schools’ estate; further and higher education; libraries.

  • Digital Communications - digital services; data and 5G.

  • Transport and Mobility - airports and ports; public transport and strategic/local road network.

  • Industry and Innovation - R&D investment and support to primary industries (e.g. manufacturing).

  • Justice - criminal, civil justice system and prisons.

  • Water and Waste - water treatment; flood risk management and residential/commercial waste.

When will the final Investment Strategy be published?

The ISNI will be drafted following the Consultation. A major part of its development will be engagement with relevant stakeholders across Northern Ireland. The final document will then be subject to a period of formal consultation and equality screening.

How can I get involved?

The Executive’s draft Investment Strategy will be open for Consultation until 20 April 2022. To respond, visit: isni.gov.uk