Brown O’Connor Communications Weekly Look Ahead: Week Commencing 18 October 2021

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  • The EU released its plan to reduce post-Brexit checks on goods and medicines arriving into Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK. The new plan outlines the removal of 80% of spot checks and a 50% reduction in customs paperwork. Changes will be made to the current laws to ensure no disruption to moving medicines across the Irish Sea and the plan pledges improved engagement with politicians and business groups in Northern Ireland.

  • Belfast High Court Judge Mr Justice Scoffield ruled the DUP’s boycott of North-South Ministerial meetings is an unlawful breach of the pledge of office. The boycott is in protest to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

  • First Minister Paul Givan MLA told The Executive Office Committee that The Executive Office’s Autumn/Winter contingency plan will be published next week and will be a “key reference point”.

  • The North-South Ministerial Council has approved the £1bn PEACE Plus programme.

  • Irish Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe TD published the 2022 Budget for the Republic of Ireland, which will see the 9% VAT rate reduction for the hospitality sector ending in August 2022. The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) will remain in place until April 2022 and a carbon tax rise will raise over €2000m to retrofit 20,000 homes. Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Michael McGrath TD announced the Irish Government will allocate an additional €50m to its Shared Island Fund in 2022.

  • Northern Ireland’s Chief Planner Angus Kerr told the Infrastructure Committee that the NI Audit Office will very shortly be publishing its review of planning in Northern Ireland.

  • A new review to boost UK companies and markets has been launched, giving companies listed on UK stock markets more options when raising capital. The review will be chaired by senior Freshfields lawyer Mark Austin.

  • SDLP MLA Cara Hunter will replace Party colleagues Dolores Kelly MLA as a member of the Committee for Infrastructure and Matthew O’Toole MLA as a member of the Public Accounts Committee. Colin McGrath MLA is leaving The Executive Office Committee and will replace Cara Hunter MLA on the Health Committee.

  • On Monday, the Education Minister and the Finance Minister will face the Assembly for Question Time. The Health Minister is up for questions on Tuesday.

  • On Wednesday, the Executive Office Committee will receive an oral briefing from the Seanad Special Select Committee on the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU on the impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The Committee for Infrastructure will receive a departmental briefing on Controlled Parking Zones. The Economy Committee will consider the Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill. The Concurrent Committee of the Committee for Education and the Committee for the Economy will receive a joint briefing from departmental officials on the Transition of Young People into Careers.

  • On Thursday, the Health Committee will hear oral evidence on the Organ Donation Bill and will hold a formal clause by clause consideration of the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion Bill. The DAERA Committee will hear oral evidence from representatives from the environmental sector on the Climate Change No.2 Bill.

  • People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll has submitted his Trade Union Freedom Bill to the Assembly Speaker’s office on Tuesday. The First Stage of the Bill is to be scheduled in the coming weeks.

Other Stories this week

  • Deborah Erskine was officially signed in as the new DUP MLA for Fermanagh and South Tyrone, replacing Arlene Foster. Former world handball champion Aisling Reilly has been selected to replace West Belfast MLA Fra McCann who is stepping down in the coming days.

  • Professor Deirdre Heenan has been appointed as Austria’s Honorary Counsel, following the opening of Austria’s Honorary Consulate in Northern Ireland.

  • Health Minister Robin Swann MLA announced the Department of Health is making up to £5.5m available to support general practice in Northern Ireland ahead of the Winter months.

  • The Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill has passed its Second Stage by 58 votes to 29. It will now proceed to Committee Stage for scrutiny.

  • Justice Minister Naomi Long MLA has launched a public appointment competition for a Victims of Crime Commissioner Designate for Northern Ireland.

  • Economy Minister Gordon Lyons MLA told the Assembly during Question Time on Tuesday that he expects the banning of zero-hour contracts will be “top of the agenda in the next mandate” from 2022 – 2027.

  • Pat Catney MLA’s Period Products (Free Provision) Bill passed through the First Stage in the Assembly. The Second Stage is to be scheduled.

  • The first North-South Ministerial Council meeting since the DUP’s boycott was ruled unlawful, took place on Thursday, where Health Minister Robin Swann MLA met his Republic of Ireland counterpart Stephen Donnelly TD.

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