Forward Look
The Education Minister announced that remote learning will continue until March.
The First Minister and deputy First Minister announced an independent investigation into mother and baby homes following the publication of a research report. The First Minister hopes that the co-design process will be completed before the 6-month deadline.
Junior Minister Declan Kearney MLA outlined in the Assembly that a high-level strategic Programme for Government will be ready by April.
Economy Minister Diane Dodds MLA has said that the Department are “well on their way to producing the consultation paper on the new energy strategy for Northern Ireland” and says she “hopes that will come in the late spring of this year”.
At the Health Committee it was confirmed that The Adoption and Children’s Bill will be presented to the Executive in March, with its First and Second reading in the Assembly planned for before Easter.
Mike Nesbitt MLA has delivered a Private Members’ Bill to reform Northern Ireland’s defamation laws to the Speakers Office.
Sinn Fein has reshuffled some of its Assembly Committee members. Pat Sheehan MLA will become Vice Chair of the Education Committee, while Karen Mullan MLA will become a member of the Communities Committee.
Question Time will take place for the Finance and Health Minister on Monday. Questions to the Infrastructure Minister will take place on Tuesday.
The Interim Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service & Executive Office Permanent Secretary, Jenny Pyper, will appear before the Committee for The Executive Office on Wednesday for an introductory briefing. The Committee will also receive a briefing from departmental officials on the High Street Task Force.
The Communities Committee will continue its scrutiny of the Licensing and Registration of Clubs Bill on Thursday, taking evidence from Copeland Distillery, Retail NI and the NI Drinks Industry Group.
Other Stories this week
The Health Minister announced a £500 special recognition payment for all Health and Social Care workers and a special recognition payment of £2000 to all non-salaried qualified students who have been on clinical placement.
Finance Minister, Conor Murphy MLA, announced that £300 million in Covid funding has yet to be allocated by the end of the financial year.
The Education Minister published the Children and Young People’s Strategy 2020-2030. To view: LINK
The Harbours (Grants and Loans Limit) Bill passed its Final Stage in the Assembly and will receive Royal Assent in the coming days.
The DUP launched a consultation paper on the future of social enterprise strategy in Northern Ireland. To view: LINK
Caoimhe Archibald MLA has launched a consultation on her Universities (Public Mission Agreement) Bill. Deadline TBC. To view: LINK
Northern Ireland’s chief scientific adviser, Professor Ian Young, is to take a period of leave “on health grounds”.
Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon, announced that the A1 Junctions Phase 2 road improvement schemes will progress.
Upcoming key political and business events
1 February, Next Meeting Belfast City Council
9 February, Achieving Executive Presence, Women in Business NI.
25 February, Women in Tech Virtual Conference 2021, Women in Business.
26 February, Chartered Institute of Housing Awards 2021
3 March, Chancellor Rishi Sunak to deliver the Budget.
4 March, InterTradeIreland Venture Capital Virtual Conference 2021
Increased CPR Training Consultation NI Assembly. Deadline TBC.
Consultation on a ban on fracking in Northern Ireland NI Assembly. Deadline TBC.
Consultation on Universities (Public Mission Agreement) Bill SF. Deadline TBC.
Climate Change Legislation Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. Deadline 1 February 2021.
Consultation on the New Substance Use Strategy Department of Health. Deadline 5 February 2021.
Consultation on the creation of a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland NI Assembly. Deadline 5pm 5 February 2021.
Consultation on enhancing legal protections for victims of domestic abuse Department of Justice. Deadline 11 February 2021.
Consultation on opt-out organ donation Department of Health. Deadline 19 February 2021.
Draft Budget 2021-22 Consultation Department of Finance. Deadline 25 February.
Consultation on proposals to introduce legally binding targets to tackle Northern Ireland’s biodiversity crisis SDLP. Deadline 8 March 2021
Consultation on Adult Safeguarding Department of Health. Deadline 11 March 2021.
Consultation on new strategy for supporting and challenging women and girls in contact with the justice system Department of Justice. Deadline 12 March 2021.
Consultation for PfG draft Outcomes Framework 2021 The Executive Office. Deadline 22 March 2021