Property and Planning Communications Update – Temporary Changes to Pre-Application Consultation

Due to COVID19 some sensible measures have been agreed to allow the public facing and stakeholder engagement elements of the important Pre-Application Community Consultation process to continue to ensure progress of planning applications. This week the Department for Infrastructure provided outline advice. 

  • Acknowledgement that Local Development Plans are at different stages of the LDP process and that public consultation under the current circumstances would have an impact on public and stakeholders engagement.  Acceptance that adjustment to timetables were necessary.

  • Use of technology for consultations and discussions has been encouraged.

  • Acknowledgement that not being able to conduct a Pre-Application Community Consultation could render the process invalid and a planning application to be turned down.

  • Fear that not being able to hold consultative events could lead to an unnecessary backlog, even after the COVID19 pressures were over.

  • The Department is expected to amend The Planning (Development) Regulations (NI) 2015 to temporarily remove the requirement for a public event.  

  • Councils have been advised that they should use their powers to specify additional steps for developers to consult the public as part of the Pre-Application Community Consultation to ensure the ‘benefits to communities continue to be realised’ during the current crisis.

  • Until a clearer assessment has been made on advertising and nearest neighbour notification due to availability of postal services and newspapers functioning the Department does not intend to bring forward any proposals to amend the current statutory requirements. However, the situation is being kept under review.
