Colin Neill, Chief Executive, Hospitality Ulster
“We welcome the opportunity to engage and brief the First and deputy First Minister at Parliament Buildings today on the very serious situation the hospitality sector is currently in with regard to COVID19.”
“The meeting was constructive and they are fully aware that the sector is facing catastrophe in the coming days and weeks. There is no doubt that they, and the wider Executive, understand just how grave this situation is, and that we simply don’t have time to see how things might pan out.”
“There was unilateral agreement that protecting our staff in the sector is of paramount importance, and that we will be working closely with the Ministers as the situation develops. This is about the health, wellbeing and overall livelihoods of people who work in our sector who have families to feed and bills to pay, and our priority is to ensure that they have jobs to go to.”
“We have made it clear that if there is any decision by the government to close businesses in the hospitality sector, that it must be done with a financial package that allows our staff to put food on their tables and that they have jobs to return to.”
“As a sector, we continue to play a responsible role and will ensure that we adhere to all government guidance and public health authority advice.”