Forward Look
The Executive has agreed to extend the circuit breaker for one week. Close contact services and unlicensed cafes and restaurants will reopen on Friday 20 November, with the rest of the hospitality sector to open on Friday 27 November.
Biopharmaceutical researcher Pfizer announced that its vaccine for Covid-19 has passed the Stage 3 late-stage study and will be available for inoculation. The vaccine is 90% effective in preventing the infection of Covid-19. The UK Government has ordered 20 million doses of the vaccine, with Northern Ireland due to receive 570,000 doses in Spring 2021.
Economy Minister, Diane Dodds MLA has written to the Cabinet Secretary, Michael Gove MP urging him to ensure unfettered access for NI freight being transported to GB through Ireland. The Minister took the step after her Department’s research revealed that at least 20% of Northern Ireland accompanied Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) traffic travels through RoI, predominantly Dublin Port, on its way to the GB market.
US President-Elect, Joe Biden has reaffirmed his commitment to the Good Friday Agreement and the need for peace to be stabilised in NI during phone calls to An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin TD and Prime Minister Boris Johnson MP.
Former US Senator, Chris Dodd has been named as the favourite to be appointed as the new US Ambassador to Ireland by President-Elect, Joe Biden. Mr Dodd is an Irish American who sat on the Friends of Ireland Caucus on Capitol Hill. Fellow Irish American Congressman Brendan Boyle has been tipped to be appointed a role within the new US Cabinet.
The First and deputy First Minsters, and Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon MLA will take part in Question Time on Monday 16 November in the Assembly. The Justice and Agriculture Ministers will take questions on Tuesday 17 November.
Communities Minister Carál Ni Chuilín will brief the Communities Committee on Housing Policy on Thursday 19 November.
The Departments of Education and Health, and the Education Authority will deliver a briefing to the Education Committee on the Cross-sectoral Support Plan for vulnerable children on Wednesday 18 November.
The Economy Committee will receive a briefing from Department Officials on the Comprehensive Spending Update on Wednesday 18 November.
The Health Committee will be briefed by Department Officials on Brexit on Thursday 19 November.
The Northern Ireland Affairs Select Committee will hear evidence from Justice Minister Naomi Long MLA and Linda Hamilton, Deputy Director of EU Exit at the DoJ on Cross-border co-operation on policing, security and criminal justice after Brexit on Wednesday 18 November.
Justice Minister, Naomi Long MLA, has launched a public consultation entitled ‘Consent to Serious Harm for Sexual Gratification; Not a Defence’. Deadline for submissions is 4 January 2021. To respond: LINK.
Infrastructure Minister, Nichola Mallon MLA has opened a consultation on Living with Water in Belfast, an integrated plan for drainage and wastewater management. Deadline for submissions is 29 January 2021. To respond: LINK.
Former SDLP advisor Emmett Doyle has been co-opted to the Derry and Strabane Council as an Aontú representative. He replaces former party Deputy Leader, Dr Anne McCloskey.
First Minister Arlene Foster MLA has named DUP Head of Policy, Lee Reynolds as her third Special Advisor.
Belfast Film Festival begins 10 days of films on Wednesday 18 November. For the full programme and tickets: LINK.
The second annual AI Con takes place virtually this year on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th December. To register and for more information, visit LINK.
Other Stories this week
The First and deputy First Ministers have written a joint letter to the EU Commission stating guarantees are needed for supermarkets to ensure food supply is continued when the transition period ends in January.
Communities Minister, Carál Ni Chuilín MLA announced a funding package of £145m set to help 4,000 people afford to buy their own home through Co-Ownership.
The Communities Minister also announced the £3.3m Voluntary, Community and Social Economy Sector Covid Recovery Fund.
The Department for the Economy published a summary of the economic impact of the four-week circuit breaker. The paper reveals that there could be a £400m loss to the NI economy which is added to the £4-5bn loss caused by the pandemic from March.
The House of Lords has voted against certain clauses in the UK Government’s Internal Markets Bill which would breach International Law and override the Northern Ireland Protocol. The Government has stated it will reinstate the clauses when the Bill returns to the House of Commons next week.
Former Irish News journalist, Brendan Hughes has been appointed political correspondent at Belfast Live.
Former journalist James Slack has been appointed as the Director of Communications for the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. This follows the resignation of Lee Cain.
Upcoming key political and business events
20 November, Golden Bridges, Rebuild Together Aisling Events
25 November, Spending Review delivered by Chancellor, Rishi Sunak MP, UK Government
25 November, SONI Energy Forum NI Chamber
26 November, NI Assembly - One Year On CIPR
27 November, An audience with Northern Ireland’s Political Leaders – One Year On CBI Northern Ireland
30 November, In Discussion with the Bank of England CBI
3-4 December, AI Con Leading partner, Kainos
Zero Hours Contracts Bill Consultation NI Assembly. Deadline TBC.
Consultation on the creation of a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland NI Assembly. Deadline TBC.
New SEN Regulations Department of Education. Deadline 22 December.
Public Realm Project Department for Communities. Deadline 22 December.
Consent to Serious Harm for Sexual Gratification; Not a Defence Department of Justice. Deadline 4 January 2021.
Establishment of a Regional Care and Justice Campus Departments of Health and Justice. Deadline 15 January 2021.
Living with Water in Belfast Department for Infrastructure. Deadline 29 January 2021.
Consultation on the New Substance Use Strategy Department of Health. Deadline 5 February 2021.