Brown O’Connor Communications Weekly Look Ahead Week Commencing 5 October 2020


Forward Look

  • The Executive has imposed new restrictions on the Derry and Strabane Council area which will come into force from next week onwards and stay in place for at least two weeks.

  • According to First Minister Arlene Foster MLA, the appointment process for the Commissioner for Survivors of Institutional Abuse is in its “final stages”. A formal announcement is expected next week.

  • Following last week’s announcement of extra funding, Finance Minister Conor Murphy MLA has stated the Executive will retain a central fund of £55.2 million to allow for additional COVID-related bids from departments, including for airports and the development of a scheme for the taxi and coach sectors.

  • The European Commission has sent a letter of formal notice to the UK for breach of its obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement. The UK Government has one month to respond. 

  • The Office of the Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland has begun the recruitment process for a new head of the Court of Appeal NI. The appointment is due to be made this autumn.

  • The Department of Justice will publish a report next week summarising the findings of a consultation into the effectiveness of current child sexual exploitation legislation. New legislative protections will form part of a new Miscellaneous Bill.

  • The Department of Justice has also revealed that agreement over the job descriptions and terms for the Victims’ Payments Board is at a “well advanced” stage. Once agreed, this will allow the NI Judicial Appointments Commission to proceed to make appointments to the board.

  • Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon MLA has extended temporary legislation to allow major planning applications to go ahead without the need for public events as part of the pre-application consultation. This is due to expire next March.

  • Finance Minister Conor Murphy MLA has extended an emergency provision for business tenancies to protect businesses from the threat of eviction due to non-payment of rent until 31 December 2020.

  • The Department of Finance is also recruiting a Director of Public Procurement. Applications will remain open until Friday 16 October.

  • The Economy Minister Diane Dodds MLA has stated that her department is currently developing a proposal to explore geothermal heat as part of new energy commitments. A public consultation on alternative energy will open in March 2021.

  • Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín MLA has said she is committed to bringing forward legislation to outlaw conversion therapy as soon as possible.

  • The Education Committee will meet on Wednesday 7 October to hear a briefing from Minister Weir MLA on the restart of schools.

  • The Economy Committee will also meet on Wednesday 7 October to hear a briefing from Invest NI on COVID-19 response.

  • The Communities Committee will meet on Thursday 8 October to hear a departmental briefing on the Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill.

  • The DAERA Committee will hear evidence from Foyle Port on Thursday 8 October on the preparedness of NI ports for Brexit.

  • The Assembly will debate a motion brought forward by Sinn Féin on the UK Government’s Internal Market Bill and its implications for international law on Monday 5 October.

  • Question Time for the Health Minister and Finance Minister will take place on Monday 5 October from 2pm. Questions to the Infrastructure Minister and Justice Minister will take place on 6 October.

  • The All-Party Group on Reducing Harm Related to Gambling is currently accepting written submissions on changes to current gambling legislation and will remain open until 6 November. This is in conjunction with the Department for Communities currently considering proposals for changes to the legislation.

  • The All-Party Group on Social Enterprise will meet virtually on Tuesday 6 October.

  • Fra McCann MLA is currently preparing to bring forward a private members’ bill on parking charges at hospitals for healthcare workers.

  • TEDxStormont will host ‘Countdown’ on Saturday 10 October. The global initiative will champion and accelerate solutions to the global climate crisis. Speakers include Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon MLA, SONI Managing Director Jo Aston and Irish Ambassador to the US, Dan Mulhall.

Other Stories this week

  • The NI Executive has imposed a curfew on the hospitality sector to ensure that all pubs and restaurants close at 11pm with last orders no later than 10.30pm.

  • The NI Audit Office has stated that an overhaul of Special Educational Needs (SEN) funding is required with the current £300 million spent annually labelled “not financially sustainable”.

  • Education Minister Peter Weir MLA has announced extra funding of £7.5 million to deliver additional funding for SEN schools.

  • The Department for the Economy has opened an Apprenticeship Challenge Fund offering organisations one-off payments of up to £100,000. The scheme will remain open until 23 October.

  • An All-Party Group on Women’s Health has been established. Sinn Féin MLA Órlaithí Flynn will be its chair and DUP MLA Pam Cameron will be its deputy chair.

  • Digital Innovation Commissioner Dr Jayne Brady MBE has been appointed to the new UK Innovation Expert Group. The group’s aim is to look at ways of increasing productivity through technology and innovation.

  • Belfast City Council working with the Department for Communities has announced a £3 million revitalisation fund to support the recovery of businesses, communities and the vulnerable in the city.

  • Fine Gael Senator and former Finance Junior Minister Michael D’Arcy has announced he is leaving politics to become chief executive of the Irish Association of Investment Management. Sinn Féin Finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty TD has since announced legislation to ensure that ministers leaving politics for financial positions can be subject to investigation.

  • The UK Government’s Internal Market Bill passed through the House of Commons this week. It will pass to the House of Lords for scrutiny once timetabling is agreed.

  • The European Commission has set out a proposal determining which goods moving from Britain to Northern Ireland should be subject to tariffs and which should not. The UK Government is currently developing a statutory instrument to clarify its position.

Upcoming key political and business events

  • 8 – 9 October, NICON20, NHS Confederation

  • 10 October, Countdown, TEDxStormont

  • 23 October, The Future of Skills, NI Chamber of Commerce

  • 5 November, Voices of Leadership, Women in Business


  • Trade Union Freedom Bill NI Assembly. Deadline TBC.

  • Autism Private Members Bill NI Assembly. Deadline TBC.

  • Second Independent Review of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Assessment Process in NI Department for Communities. Deadline 16 October.

  • Expert Panel on Educational Underachievement Online Survey Department of Education. Deadline 16 October.

  • Online Political Transparency The Cabinet Office. Deadline 4 November.

  • New SEN Regulations Department of Education. Deadline 22 December.

  • Public Realm Project Department for Communities. Deadline 22 December.