Hospitality Ulster welcomes the introduction of the Liquor Licensing Bill to the Northern Ireland Assembly

Colin Neill, Chief Executive of Hospitality Ulster

Colin Neill, Chief Executive of Hospitality Ulster

Welcoming the introduction of the Liquor Licensing Bill to the Northern Ireland Assembly, Colin Neill, Chief Executive of Hospitality Ulster said:

“Hospitality Ulster welcomes the introduction of the Liquor Licensing Bill to the Northern Ireland Assembly this evening by Minister Murphy on behalf of the Communities Minister, Carál Ní Chuilín who is self-isolating.”

“This is an important step in modernising the archaic liquor licensing legislation here and will bring significant benefits to the wider sector. We are now keen to see swift passage of the Bill from the introductory stages to Committee.”

“After years of lobbying for a much needed change, this Bill is even more timely and crucial due to the impact of Covid-19 on the hospitality sector. Despite the pain currently being faced by hospitality businesses, we are hopeful that this new legislation will have a positive impact on trading next Easter and beyond.”

“Prior to Covid-19, despite contributing £2billion a year to the Northern Ireland economy and the backbone of the tourism offer, the growth potential of the hospitality sector was being curtailed by the outdated legislation. As we look to bounce back and rebuild the hospitality sector here, it is imperative that businesses have all the tools necessary to thrive. Despite the undoubted challenges ahead, this Bill will be a welcome boost for hospitality businesses right across Northern Ireland.”